Contact tracing jobs? It's been weird watching the world change as priorities rapidly shift in our culture. Especially employment. Now contact tracing programs are looking to employ people to help with our current situation. They need thousands of people .

Contact Tracing Programs: All Hype or Real Jobs?
If you've watched the news over the past 6 weeks, you've probably heard of contact tracing and all the glory that it brings. In particular, there have been calls for people looking for work considering contact tracing jobs.
In one of those scoping moments, I took time to explore if this was a real job opportunity, a temporary gig or if this was only for a special part of the job market. What I found was a new job that needs thousands of people and the opportunity for work.
Contact Tracer Yobs: Who Would Have Thought of this job 5 years ago?
There is nothing new to the idea of contact tracing. It's been a tool of health officials for centuries. In fact, before we actually had pen and paper to document the diseases of humans, whenever we had outbreaks, people where cornered in areas for watching and recovering. It's not all been roses and flowers for this technique either. Over time humanity has witness some pretty gruesome accounts of people being treated badly.
Contact Tracer Jobs: The Education is Free
To the point that this is a position where people are needed, the education for a contact tracer job is available at no charge. Yep, you don't need to pay a dime to get involved. Yes, it's one of those amazing gigs where so many people are needed that they are willing (and able) to offer education as soon (or before) you start.

The contact tracer job courses are available to anyone and everyone. It's an introduction to what this new job entails and how it works. What is even more intriguing is that everything, from phoning people to helping find resources for situations is all planned out. A contact tracer more like the vessel that finds individuals in need and they actually don't offer any subsequent medical or community advice (it's already scripted out so you just repeat stuff).
Virtual, Virtual, Virtual
As anyone might expect, it you are working with a highly contagious disease, you want to be as far away as possible. This is why the contact tracer jobs are, primarily, done virtually. This allows you to be close by (on the phone) but far away that you won't get sick. This is a big benefit for people looking for work and still have obligations.

In our crazy world right now, it's surprising we are so adaptable. This new gig that has people looking for work by the thousands is one that could help one person at a time, but still be paid very well.
If you are looking for work and contact tracing jobs sound like something you'd be interested in, consider my new book on your quest for employment in 2020. There are so many people out of work right now and others who are struggling making ends meet. The idea of contact tracing is the latest tool people are using during the pandemic. Many programs are found in the USA as well as around the world. Have you considered this job for the future?