It's almost Summer 2022. I don't need to point at the calendar to suggest the season of warmth and excitement is upon us, a quick look out the window showcases what beauty the season is about to show up will offer.
Summer 2022: Count Your Blessings
For anyone wondering if it's time to head out, then you probably don't have too much planned for summer 2022...yet. If we've learned anything from the past two years, it's that we should never take life for granted. We need to count our blessings, enjoy our time with family and friends while making the best of life.

The opportunities of what is happening this summer seems like a rebirth of sorts. I mean, the festivals that were cancelled the past few years are back. So are the opportunities to see friends and family we have been isolated from. If there was ever a time to count blessings, it's in this moment. We've survived a very weird period in life and it's time to move forward.
Time To Dust Off the Dreams!
The exciting thing for me (and many others) it is time to dust off those dreams that were put on the shelves waiting out life circumstances. Of course, we tried to do as much as possible, but let's be honest, Zoom can only do so much. There was a pause in life. No denying it happened. Now, we a blessed perspective and an opportunity to embrace the future we can look at the dreams with a new set of eyes. And the time this summer is a great place to start.
One thing I noticed is the dreams and goals aren't as far-fetched as we once thought after all this life stuff. It's as if the chance to deliver on your goals and focus on what you want to do is closer than ever. Yes, there are some new obstacles and perhaps you need to make adjustments, but the dreams are possible. Very possible.
Plan Your Purpose and GO!
The countdown to summer has started. it's weeks away. Now don't let fear stop you from pushing forward. Of course, it's important to be responsible when planning out your summer. You don't want to get sick or stuck somewhere because of circumstances. That doesn't mean don't do anything though. Make plans, allow a little room for flexibility, consider a backup plan and get started.

I have a friend who is very nerved out about her summer plans. While she wants to travel, she feels the risk is higher than normal and worried about getting stuck somewhere. Her brilliant solution is to go to locations where she knows someone in case there are issues. She is also taking a trip where she doesn't know anybody, but meeting a friend there so they can enjoy a long weekend. Trips like these are great for the soul and meeting up with people face to face is also a great way to reconnect as we've been away from each other.
So what are you going this summer?
A big family vacation? A chance to see the ocean? Climb the highest mountain you can find? Or maybe relax in a hideaway far, far away from the hustle of the world?
Whatever you decide to do, enjoy Summer 2022. It's a chance to truly be alive again and explore our amazing earth. Embrace it with every ounce of gratitude you have.